Local Vendors

Tell your neighbors about the local Service Providers you trust and use!

Please email info@crestmont94619.org and sharing the name and contact information of local service providers you use and trust. We will then share that information below for other neighbors to find. In your email, please also let us know if we can share your name and contact information here next to that provider.

Consider recommending:

  • Gardners and Landscapers

  • Painters

  • Roofers

  • Handyperson

  • General Contractors

  • Tree Trimmers

  • Dog walkers

  • Cleaners

Batik and Baker

(based in the Crestmont Community

Website https://batikandbaker.com/
Instagram @batikandbaker
Email batikandbaker@gmail.com

Recommended by Neighbor Kamika Dunlap!

Aguirre's Landscape & Maintenance

Contact: Sebastian Aguirre, (209) 914-0906

Email: aguirreland97@gmail.com

Recommended by Neighbor Kamika Dunlap!

Louis's Tree Services

Tree Removal, New Fences, Sprinkler System, Yard & Slope Clean Up, Retaining Wall Decking, Maintenance, Pruning, Hauling, Free Estimates

Contact: Luis (510) 575-5667

Recommended by Neighbor Kamika Dunlap!

Heffernan Barbary Insurance Services

An independent insurance brokerJerry Becerra is a licensed property and casualty insurance agent in the Crestmont Community & is part of their team.

Recommended by Neighbor Kamika Dunlap!

Radiant Washing


Pressure Washing Services, Window Cleaning, Gutter Cleaning, Solar Panel Cleaning

Ask for Alex! (510) 205-9474; Alexhoangrw@gmail.com

Recommended by Neighbor Greg Klein!

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