The Homeowners of Crestmont Association (HCA) was formed in 1956 and incorporated on August 8, 1965 as a non-profit corporation registered with the Secretary of State of California. The Association was created to manage the business affairs of the Crestmont Community and ensure that the property values and quality of life for all Crestmont homeowners would be protected.
The HCA has been partly responsible for the beautifully maintained homes and properties. The Association is a volunteer organization of your neighbors who offer their time to address the needs of the neighborhood, and the issues in the community at large. It's because of this Association's hard work that all of our utilities are underground, safe from the weather and not obstructing our beautiful views. The involvement of neighbors in the Homeowners of Crestmont Association has given us the voice to prevent unwanted stores, halfway houses, and poorly thought-out building projects from entering our neighborhood.
A document called the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions ["CC&Rs"] accompanies the sale of every home in Crestmont, and is the legal basis that empowers the Association to require maintenance of each home and property, and the right to review planned architectural changes, exterior color schemes and the maintenance or removal of trees. It assures you that your neighbors won't decrease the value of your home by blocking your view with buildings or trees, or by painting their home an incompatable color for the neighborhood.
The annual dues assessment, and any membership-approved special assessments, allows the Association to continually work on your behalf to make this neighborhood everything you could hope for. The Board’s Officers and Directors are volunteers from the community who are willing to devote some time to represent the interests of all through the guidance and enforcement of the CC&Rs. The Articles of Incorporation for the HCA and the ByLaws govern the actions of the Board of Directors and the CC&Rs serve as the framework for all decisions.
There are two general membership meetings per year, currently occurring the second Wednesday of May and November. Members are encouraged to attend and hear information and reports from the Board, ask questions or bring up issues. There are often guest speakers or presentations on various topics and local officials to listen to concerns. The membership also participates in voting for new or re-election of Directors. Other issues may be voted on during general membership meetings so discussion and participation by homeowners is an important part of the HCA. The Board of Directors meet monthly on the last Monday of the month, except for December. Any member is invited to attend these meetings to present an issue. If you have an an item you would like placed on the agenda, or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
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Homeowners of Crestmont Association
PO Box 13281, Oakland, CA 94661
© 2023 Homeowners of Crestmont Association