The HCA Board and committees are made up of homeowners, like you, who volunteer a bit of their time to represent and protect the property values for everyone in the Association. The more HCA members that get involved the better it is for everyone. We invite you to contribute your ideas and opinions and take part in supporting your community.
Committees and positions that allow the Board to function more effectively include the following:
• Architectural and Views Committee
• Real Estate Liaison
• Events Committee
• Newsletter Editor
• Beautification Committee
• Webmaster
We invite you to contact any Board member if you have any questions or wish to get involved. The Board welcomes any and all homeowners to join us in maintaining our special neighborhood.
HCA 'Districts' were set up many years ago and are adjacent blocks of neighbors that are the most in contact with one another and share neighborhood security efforts, mainly through Neighborhood Watch. Homeowners are encouraged to have a gathering in their District each year for National Night Out and other times, to get to know each other, meet new neighbors and be able to discuss issues of concern and ways to address them. There are 12 Districts, one for each of the twelve+ blocks that make up the Association as indicated below. [These Districts are no longer related to Board membership.]
District 1: 9–15 Yarmouth Ct., 2–29 Pembrook Ct., 2–22 Stantonville Ct., 200–310 Stantonville Dr.
District 2: 25–187 Chadbourne Way and 198–231 Kimberlin Heights
District 3: 1–185 Rishell Drive
District 4: 200–297 Rishell Drive and 225–297 Chadbourne
District 5: 300–355 Rishell Drive and 301–351 Chadbourne
District 6: 1–175 Crestmont Drive and 3690 & 3696 Butters Drive
District 7: 11–191 Kimberlin Heights Drive
District 8: 39-158 Colgett Drive and 183-277 Crestmont Drive
District 9: 288-500 Crestmont Drive
District 10: 1–15 Samaria Lane and 538–598 Crestmont Drive
District 11: 411-485 Creighton Way and 500-598 Westfield Way
District 12: 1-93 Van Cleave Way
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Homeowners of Crestmont Association
PO Box 13281, Oakland, CA 94661
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Federal EIN: 94-2935324 | CA State Corporation No. 0495630
© 2024 Homeowners of Crestmont Association